Frequently asked questions about the ON24 Marketo data integration solution
Go here for more information.
Scheduled timing is when the data passes from ON24 to your end system. Your Marketo integration is scheduled to run every 15 minutes. Please note that on heavy traffic days, it can take up to 2 hours to see the data in Marketo.
Note: Scheduled timing is different from Availability Timing.
You can run a backfill in Marketo by going to any of the 3 Marketo Setup Instructions (regardless of the registration form used) and searching on “Backfill in Marketo.” Backfills need to be run one month at a time. This solution is API based, which means the data can be pulled as far back as your ON24 contract activation date.
If you are an Advanced Analytics customer, please see What is a Backfill for an alternative approach at obtaining historical data.
Client ID & Client Secret:
Go to Admin -> Integration -> LaunchPoint. This will open a list of Installed Services.
Select the Custom LaunchPoint Service Name that was created for the Marketo ON24 Connect service and click on View Details.
You will see your Client Id & Client Secret.
Identity URL:
Go to Admin -> Integration -> Web Services and get the Identity URL (everything before ‘/identity’)
If you set up the ON24 Marketo Connector and would like confirmation that it was done correctly, then follow these steps:
Ensure you follow the data integration setup instructions exactly as instructed. Customers who deviate from it (even with one simple change) typically experience integration issues. As a reminder, leverage one of the three configuration options.
Here’s how to confirm the connection is working:
Go to the ON24 Connect Marketo Integration site.
Log in using your Elite login credentials.
On the Connection page, do you see the following fields already populated?
Client ID
Client Secret
Identity URL
If so, then you are integrated. However, please keep in mind this does not confirm the other configuration settings are correct.
If it's blank, then you are not integrated.
Since we don’t have direct access to your Marketo system, we are unable to verify all the settings. However, we’ll be more than happy to schedule a meeting to have you show us your Marketo data integration settings, so we may double-check it.
It's okay to make changes if you weren't the original Marketo administrator who set up the integration. However, please keep in mind the data integration is tied to the person listed in the ON24 Elite API token's "Assigned To:" field. That person must have read/write permission and be able to see the applicable fields in Marketo. In other words, you can modify the data integration (i.e., add new field mappings) and it’ll work if the “Assigned To:” person has the correct permission in Marketo.
When using Marketo form for registration, the Marketo data integration Option 1 and Option 2 setup instructions states that the "Create New People" field must be unchecked. The reason for this is because Marketo registration forms will automatically create the new lead record within Marketo. So, the ON24 Marketo Connector solution doesn't need to create the lead. The only time you would want the ON24 Marketo Connector solution to create a new lead is if you are using ON24 form for registration.
No, just the one Custom Object would be required to setup in Marketo. All the data from Elite & EHub will flow to the same Custom Object.
No, you will need to use ON24 Registration Forms for your Recurring Simu-Live Events. Instructions on how to set this up may be found here.
Marketo Specific Instructions
Go to Marketing Activities -> Campaign Folder -> Program -> Smart Campaign -> Status
Clicking on the Members will take you to the list of members who Registered for the event.
Attended Live:
Go to Marketing Activities -> Campaign Folder -> Program-> Smart Campaign -> Status
Clicking on the Members will take you to the list of members who Attended the event Live.
Attended On Demand:
Go to Marketing Activities -> Campaign Folder -> Program -> Smart Campaign -> Status
Clicking on the Members will take you to the list of members who Attended the event On Demand.
No Show:
Go to Marketing Activities -> Campaign Folder -> Program -> Smart Campaign -> Status
Clicking on the Members will take you to the list of members who were a No Show.
NOTE: All registered users will be pushed to Campaign Members, but because Harry Potter did not attend the event i.e. a No Show, he will be updated in the Qualified People list.
Go to Database -> All People -> People
Search person’s name in the Quick Find at the bottom of the screen.
The person record appears:
Go to Marketing Activities -> Campaign Folder -> Program -> Members.
For example, if you want to view details of Ron Weasley, click on his ID.
This opens the Person Actions screen. Go to Custom Objects in the top bar and Select Object: ON24 Attendee from the drop-down menu.
Ron Weasley’s engagement data against each field will be populated here.
Go to Marketing Activities -> Campaign Folder -> Program -> Members.
For example, if you want to view details of Ron Weasley, click on his ID.
This opens the Person Actions screen. Click on Activity Log which lists the Date/Time, Activity Type and Detail for the individual user.
Click on the ID to open the Activity Details screen.
See below screenshots to setup Batch Campaigns for Attended Live & Attended on Demand.
NOTE: The setup is much like using the trigger, with the only difference of having to ‘Schedule’ the Batch Campaign to run, rather than rely on the ‘Trigger’.
Add Person to Program as ‘Attended’
Smart List:
- Batch > Has ON24 Attendee
- Cumulativeliveminutes > 0
- Eventid: [add eventid]
- Change Program Status
- New Status: Webinar > Attended Live
Schedule: Update the schedule for recurrence as required.
Add Person to Program as ‘Attended on Demand’
Smart List:
- Batch > Has ON24 Attendee
- Cumulativearchiveminutes > 0
- Cumulativeliveminutes: 0
- Eventid: [add eventid]
- Change Program Status
- New Status: Webinar > Attended On-demand
Schedule: Update the schedule for recurrence as required.
All child Events associated with your parent Recurring Simu-Live Events will appear in the same Program.
Note: Please input the parent Event ID on the Event, in the Overview Section, on the Campaign Code Field. Using the sourcecampaigncode constraint with the Event ID listed in the Campaign Code Field will pull all data into your Program for these Events. Instructions on how to set this up may be found here for setting up your New Smart Campaign in Marketo.
Submit a ticket with Marketo Support to request the total additional fields needed.
Below are a few examples of the potential causes of a numeric mismatch between ON24 and Marketo. If the numbers are higher in ON24 than Marketo, then focus on the ON24 data integration (data sent from ON24 to Marketo). If the numbers are higher in Marketo than ON24, then focus on the external registration (data sent from Marketo to ON24). Alternatively, the data may be passing as designed, but further explanation may be required.
- Availability Timing - Ensure you allow ample time for the data to become available in our data warehouse.
- Data Integration Misconfiguration - Especially for new data integrations, it is recommended to double-check that the data integration was set up correctly. This means no deviation from the Knowledge Center instructions. The #1 reason why data integration problems occur is when the setup instructions are not followed exactly as-is. We understand there are many ways to do the same thing, but it is important our instructions are followed exactly as instructed because they have been tested and proven to work.
Confirm correct custom object naming convention used
Issue: The Custom Object has not been updated with attendee data.
Troubleshooting Steps:
Check that the Marketo Custom Object name is correct
Verify that the API Name value is exactly “oN24Attendee_c” (without the quotes).
If not, please correct the value as per our Knowledge Center article step 4.
If the API name is correct, please open a support ticket
Explanation: Accurate API names are necessary for seamless integration with other systems. When integrating with ON24, the API name must match exactly to enable proper data synchronization and communication. A correct API name ensures that data is accurately mapped and stored in the appropriate custom object. Incorrect API names can lead to data being misplaced or lost.
Confirm Smart List recommended setup
Issue: The Marketo Custom Object record shows attended duration less than the value displayed in the ON24 reports for a particular user.
Troubleshooting Steps:
1. | Check the attendee viewing session of the user in the ON24 report | If the attendee has attended multiple sessions, please see Step 2 | If the attendee has attended one session, please open a Support ticket. |
2. | Check the name of the field that is being used in the Marketo Custom Object to track the attendees’ duration | ||
a. Are the field names Cumulativeliveminutes and Cumulativearchiveminutes? |
If no, please see the Step 2b below | If yes, please open a support ticket | |
b. Are the field names archiveminutes and liveminutes? |
If yes, please check if the duration captured in the Marketo Custom Object is the same as the duration the user attended during the last console launch |
If no, please open a support ticket
We recommend using the cumulativeliveminutes and cumulativearchiveminutes fields in the custom object because the liveminutes and archiveminutes fields are used to display the number of minutes attended by a user in the last console launch. The cumulativeliveminutes and cumulativearchiveminutes fields will aggregate the total number of minutes the user attended the live or on-demand portions of the event across multiple attendee sessions into a single number.
Solution: Please add the cumulativeliveminutes and cumulativearchiveminutes fields to the Marketo Custom Object field list and use these fields going forward to track the duration of attendance.
The Marketo Connect integration will use the first lead of a particular email address. If there are duplicate email addresses, then the other leads will be ignored.
It is currently not possible to map more than 5 Poll question & answers or 5 Survey question & answers.
If a user attends a live event and then comes back at a later time to attend an On Demand event, the status will not update to On Demand unless the status priority in the Marketo Webinar Channel has been changed.
Yes, you are able to adjust the Priority Levels in Marketo. Highlight the Trigger in question for the desired Event ID, right click on the trigger, select Override Campaign priority, and change the Priority to Medium/High and then select Confirm.
ON24 or Marketo's Solution
The Marketo LaunchPoint Adapter was one of the original data integration solutions and was built by Marketo. As a result, please contact Marketo for technical support.
The ON24 Marketo Connector is another data integration solution between ON24 and Marketo. It was built by ON24 after Marketo’s solution and includes additional benefits. As a result, Contact Support so we may assist you.
Follow the steps below to verify which solution you're using:
- Log into Marketo.
- Go to Admin from the top menu page.
- On the left menu bar, go to Integration > LaunchPoint.
- Go to the applicable LaunchPoint solution.
- Look at the Status field. Only look at the ones that are “Active.”
- Look at the Type field.
- If it says "ON24," then you're using the Marketo LaunchPoint Adapter solution. Contact Marketo for support, because Marketo built the solution.
- If it says, "Custom," then you are using the ON24 Marketo Connector solution. Contact ON24 for support, because we built the solution.
ON24 does not have access to troubleshooting tools for the Marketo LaunchPoint Adapter solution. It’s best you communicate with the experts at Marketo, who built and support the solution.
ON24 saw an opportunity to create an integration solution that would allow for greater breadth of event engagement analysis. The benefits of the ON24 Marketo Connector include:
Additional data points
- The LaunchPoint service only sends over 5 registrant fields from Marketo to ON24, which are first name, last name, email, company, and job title. With the Webhook, you can send as many fields as you like from Marketo to ON24.
- The LaunchPoint service only updates the attended status in Marketo, but with the Marketo Connect Data integration, you can send over 70 attendee data points to the Marketo Custom Object. The ON24 Attendee custom object can be used with Trigger Campaigns or Batch Campaigns depending on when the object is being used.
- Scheduled Timing - The LaunchPoint service only updates once a day, but with the Marketo Connect Data integration, the integration is scheduled to run every 15 minutes.
- Field Mapping - Customers can map fields directly in the ON24 Marketo App console.
- Supports ON24 and Marketo hosted registration - The connector supports 3 configuration options based on registration preference.
- Backfills – Customers can backfill missing data in monthly increments on demand.
- Supports ON24 Platforms – The Connector supports all ON24 platforms (i.e., Elite, eHub, Forums, Go Live, and Target). The Marketo LaunchPoint Adapter only works with Elite.
- To temporarily disconnect the ON24 Marketo Connector, go to the ON24 Connect Marketo Integration site and press the blue "Disassociate the Access Token" button. Then, press the "Save" button. This is a recommended step when troubleshooting.
- To permanently disconnect the ON24 Marketo Connector, please Contact Support. Request for an Integration Specialist to process an ON24 Marketo Connector data integration disconnection.
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