Use a Webhook to POST registrant data to ON24 Virtual Conference.
HubSpot Webhooks can be set up to send registrant data from HubSpot to ON24. Follow the steps below to set up a new registrant form in HubSpot, register a user, and send the data to ON24 Virtual Conference.
Log in to HubSpot and navigate to Automation on the top menu bar, then select Workflows from the drop-down menu.
To set up a new Webhook, click on Create Workflow at the top right of the screen:
Under the Start from Scratch tab, select the Contact-based option, and then select Blank workflow and then select NEXT in the upper right-hand corner of the page:
Click Set up triggers:
Select Form Submission:
Select the form that you would like to apply to the workflow:
Click on Apply Filter:
Click Save:
Click on the +
Select Send a Webhook:
Under the Method, select POST:
In your Virtual Conference grab the following values:
a. For eventid - Show ID
b. For key - Preview Password
Use the Show ID and Preview Password from the client specific environment to construct the WebHook URL.
For NA Database Clients (See screenshot below):
a. Format:
b. Virtual Conference specific format:{ShowID}&key={PreviewPassword}
c. Final URL constructed from the above example:
For EU Database Clients:
a. Format:
b. Virtual Conference specific format:{ShowID}&key={PreviewPassword}
Click SAVE:
Click TEST in the upper right-hand corner of the page:
Select a contact to test:
Select the box ‘Send me the HubSpot emails this workflow would deliver’
Click TEST:
Confirm test is successful:
Click Review and Publish:
Confirm Existing Contacts selection:
Click TURN ON in the upper right corner:
Click the MARKETING tab and then select LANDING PAGES from the drop-down menu:
Select the Landing Page you would like to use:
Drag and Drop the FORM icon onto your Landing Page:
Select the form that you would like to use from the drop-down:
Click SAVE in upper left-hand corner:
Click PUBLISH in upper right- hand corner:
You should see a SUCCESSFULLY PUBLISHED message:
Click on form to continue:
Complete the Registration Form and click SUBMIT:
You will receive confirmation that the Registration form was submitted:
Confirm Registration data has been synchronized in VC. Click Reports:
Click Launch VC Analytics:
In registration tab, click highlighted icon to filter data to see registrants populate:
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