Use a Webhook to POST registrant data to ON24 Webinars.
HubSpot Webhooks can be set up to send registrant data from HubSpot to ON24. Follow the steps below to set up a new registrant form in HubSpot, register a user, and send the data to ON24 Webinars.
Log in to HubSpot and navigate to Automation on the top menu bar, then select Workflows from the drop-down menu.
To set up a new Webhook, click on Create Workflow at the top right of the screen:
Under the Start from Scratch tab, select the Contact-based option, and then select Blank workflow and then select NEXT in the upper right-hand corner of the page:
Click Set up triggers:
Select Form Submission:
Select the form that you would like to apply to the workflow:
Click on Apply Filter:
Click Save:
Click on the +
Select Send a Webhook:
Under the Method, select POST:
Enter your Webhook URL:
For NA database clients: (Note: update the eventid & key from Elite as listed in next steps)
For EU database clients:
In your Webcast Elite account, grab the eventid and key from the Audience URL.
Add the eventid & key in the Webhook URL
Click SAVE:
Click TEST in the upper right-hand corner of the page:
Select a contact to test:
Select the box ‘Send me the HubSpot emails this workflow would deliver’
Click TEST:
Confirm test is successful:
Click Review and Publish:
Confirm Existing Contacts selection:
Click TURN ON in the upper right corner:
Click the MARKETING tab and then select LANDING PAGES from the drop-down menu:
Select the Landing Page you would like to use:
Drag and Drop the Form icon onto your Landing Page:
Select the form that you would like to use from the drop-down menu:
Click Save in upper left-hand corner:
Click Publish in upper right- hand corner:
Click Publish now:
You should see a successfully published message:
Copy the URL and paste it in your browser:
Complete the Registration Form and click SUBMIT:
You will receive confirmation that the Registration form was submitted:
Confirm Registration data has synchronized in ON24 Elite:
Data Passed to ON24
The ON24 Webhook handler URL will use the eventid and key values to route registrant data to the appropriate ON24 event. The HubSpot Webhook POST of Contact JSON will be parsed by an ON24 service to pull out the Contact fields listed above and automatically map the values to the standard ON24 registrant fields.
ON24 Registration Form
Important: The Login Only Option toggle should be ON to use Seamless Registration. You can find the toggle under Settings on the webinar's Registration setup page
Toggling Enable Login Only to ON causes Registration to appear disabled, however, registration is still active. In order to update the active Registration Fields the Login Only Option should be first switched OFF. Once any edits are made it should be switched back ON.
Once the user fills out the HubSpot registration form, the user sees an ON24-hosted "Thank you for registering, this event will start on..." lobby page and they get an ON24 cookie that serves as the persistent storage to identify the user. With the cookie present, subsequent calls to the event send the user to the ON24 "Audience URL", which bypasses the registration page if a valid cookie is found.
If the registrant clears their cache, their previously stored cookie will be removed. In this circumstance if the registrant accesses their "Thank you for registering" email and clicks the "Join the Event" button, they will not bypass the registration page.
Instead, they will be re-directed to the registration page and will see the below image:
Kindly instruct the registrant to enter their email in the above section and click "Login". If the email address exists from a previous registration, they will gain access to the content and a new cookie will be stored which will bypass the registration page for future visits.
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