The ON24 Connector App allows Salesforce users to see the ON24 Prospect Engagement Profile embedded within Contact and Lead records.
Additionally, the app passes over the Engagement Level and Business Interest keywords from the Prospect Engagement Profile to new fields for Contacts and Leads.
The app installation includes reports and dashboards to show ON24 influence on Opportunities.
The reports and dashboards use both Contacts and Campaigns tied to Opportunities to provide starting points for reporting on ON24 influence.
Important: ON24 is migrating to a new Self Service model of integration without Scribe use. If you are starting a new Self Service integration with Salesforce, or are in the process of migrating solutions, please see our Self-Serve Salesforce Integration article. If you aren't sure about your solution or have questions, please contact Support.
Fields, Reports and Dashboards
Salesforce Lightning and API Credentials
The ON24 Connector App was created for use with Salesforce Lightning. The App uses the ON24 REST API and requires ON24 Connect to generate API credentials for the App to request data from ON24.
Salesforce Admin Tasks
- Install App as a Salesforce admin
Assign permissions to appropriate profiles for:
a. Configuration of the App Settings for adding ON24 API credentials
b. View installed reports
c. View installed dashboard
d. View new custom fields in the Contact and Lead objects - Adjust page layouts to see ON24 specific fields for Contacts and Leads
Obtain and Load the Installation URL
- Log in to Salesforce as the appropriate Admin that will own the new App.
- Once you are logged in, click on the installation URL.
- Current version 1.42
- password: connectionON24
Choose the Installation Options
For the question “What if existing component names conflict with ones in this package?”, select the option “Do not install.”
Select “Install for All Users”
Click the “Install” button
Approve Third-Party Access
When you are prompted to approve third-party access, select the option “Yes, grant access to these third-party websites”
Click the “Continue” button
Complete Package Installation
You should see the following screen:
You may get the following message. Click “Done” and wait until the package is installed.
When the package is ready you will receive a notification via email:
Verify Package Installation
To view the installed package, go to the apps section and search for “ON24 Connector”.
Permissions and Page Layouts
App Permissions
Assign the appropriate app permissions for users. Go to Permission Sets to configure the ON24 permissions.
ON24 Connector Admin
Assign to user(s) who will be configuring the app settings, adding ON24 API credentials, and viewing logs.
ON24 Connector User
Assign users for viewing the embedded PEP app component and the ON24 fields in the Contact and Lead objects.
Updating Contact and Lead Page Layouts
Viewing the embedded Prospect Engagement Profile page in Contact and Lead records requires updating page layouts for Salesforce users. There is a “ON24PEP iFrame” Lightning component that can be added to the Details tab, or you can create a new tab called “ON24 PEP” and add the Lighting component.
Three new custom fields are also included with the app and can be added to the Contact and Lead records.
ON24 Last Updated (ON24CN__LastUpdated__c)
ON24 Engagement Level (ON24CN__EngagementLevel__c)
ON24 Business Interests (ON24CN__BusinessInterests__c)
Along with the ON24 Prospect Engagement Profile URL, these fields are populated whenever there is new registration or attendance activity in ON24 for a Contact or a Lead.
ON24 Connector Settings
Provision API Credentials
The connector requires API credentials associated with an ON24 user from your workspace. Create a new token and name it, "Salesforce PEP Component App."
Configuring Connector
To enable the service, configure the following:
Add API credentials
Access Token
Secret Token
Client Id
Select the location for your ON24 Workspace Data Center
Choose if you want the service to create new Lead
Choose if you want to receive notifications after each run of the service
Start Recurring Job
Select the frequency that you want the integration to run
Click “Start Recurring Job” to enable the service
Fields, Reports and Dashboards
Along with new custom fields in the Contact and Lead objects, a set of reports and dashboards will be installed in your Salesforce instance. The reports are standard report types using standard fields, and the dashboards use standard Salesforce Lightning dashboards and components.
The reports are intended as a starting point for viewing ON24 influence for Opportunities. The reports and dashboards can be edited after the initial installation to accommodate the specific fields, filters, and custom fields that you are using for Opportunities, Accounts, Contacts, Campaigns and Campaign Members.
New Custom Fields
Contact > ON24 Last Updated
Contact > ON24 Engagement Level
Contact > ON24 Business Interests
Contact > ON24 Prospect Engagement Profile
Lead > ON24 Last Updated
Lead > ON24 Engagement Level
Lead > ON24 Business Interests
Lead > ON24 Prospect Engagement Profile
Reports and Dashboards
Report > ON24 Opportunities with Contact Roles
Report > ON24 Campaign Influenced Opportunities
Report > ON24 Campaign Influenced Opportunities 2
Report > ON24 Campaign Influenced Opportunities 3
Report > ON24 Campaign Influenced Opportunities 4
Dashboard > ON24 Influenced Pipeline
Dashboard > ON24 Influenced Pipeline (by Campaign)
Dashboard 1: ON24 Influenced Pipeline
This dashboard shows how any ON24 touch is associated with Opportunities. The report feeding these components is “ON24 Opportunities with Contact Roles” which shows Opportunities associated with Contacts who have the ON24 PEP URL field. The report uses the standard report type of “Opportunities with Contact Roles”.
A |
Vertical bar chart showing Opportunities Amounts and Counts by Stage. The Opportunities are bound by the date range in the dashboard filter. The Opportunities amounts and counts are based on Opportunities where the associated Contacts have a value in the ON24 Prospect Engagement Profile URL field. |
B |
Sum of the amount for Opportunities within the date range of the dashboard filter where the associated Contacts have a value in the ON24 Prospect Engagement Profile URL field. |
C |
Count of the Contacts with the ON24 PEP URL field, who are also associated with Opportunities within the date range of the dashboard filter. |
D |
List of the top 10 Opportunities based on amount within the date range of the dashboard filter. These are Opportunities where the associated Contacts have a value in the ON24 Prospect Engagement Profile URL field. |
Filters at the top of the dashboard allow you to change the Opportunity Created Date, the ON24 Last Updated date, and the ON24 Engagement Level.
Dashboard 2: ON24 Influenced Pipeline (by Campaign)
This dashboard shows how “Webinar” campaigns are associated with Opportunities. The reports feeding these components shows Opportunities associated with Campaigns, and how “Webinar” Campaigns are influencing Opportunities. The report uses the standard report type of “Campaigns with Influenced Opportunities”.
A |
Vertical bar chart showing Opportunities Amounts and Counts by Stage. The Opportunities are bound by the date range in the dashboard filter. The Opportunities amounts and counts are based on Opportunities where the associated Campaign has the Campaign Type of “Webinar”. |
B |
Sum of the amount for Opportunities within the date range of the dashboard filter where the associated Campaign has the Campaign Type of “Webinar”. |
C |
Donut Chart showing the sum of the Opportunities by Stage within the date range of the dashboard filter where the associated Campaign has the Campaign Type of “Webinar”. |
D |
Sum of the amount for Opportunities within the date range of the dashboard filter for all Campaign Types. Used to compare with amount noted in A. |
E |
Donut Chart showing the sum of the Opportunities by Stage within the date range of the dashboard filter for all Campaign Types. Used to compare with amount noted in C. |
F |
List of the top 10 Opportunities based on amount within the date range of the dashboard filter. These are Opportunities where the associated Campaign has the Campaign Type of “Webinar”. |
G |
List of the top 10 Accounts associated with Opportunities based on amount within the date range of the dashboard filter. These are Account tied to Opportunities where the associated Campaign has the Campaign Type of “Webinar”. |
The filter at the top of the dashboard allows you to change the Opportunity Created Date.
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