How to Set Up the ON24 and Salesforce Sales Cloud Integration
This guide provides a step-by-step approach to setting up the ON24 and Salesforce Sales Cloud integration. Screenshots are included for clarity.
The ON24 self-service integration allows clients to configure and enable synchronization between ON24 and Salesforce directly from the ON24 platform. This setup supports creating new Leads if a contact or unconverted lead cannot be found and mapping ON24 data to Campaign Member records.
Steps to Set Up the Integration
1. Add Fields to Salesforce Campaign Member Records
Ensure that custom fields are added to the Salesforce Campaign Member object. These fields will capture ON24 engagement data. You can find the ON24 API Data Salesforce Self-Serve workbook with all of the available fields attached at the bottom of this article.
2. Identify a User for ON24 Authentication
Create a dedicated user with ON24 login access to authenticate the connection to Salesforce.
3. Generate API Tokens in ON24
Generate API tokens in ON24 for authentication.
4. Configure the Integration
Navigate to the ON24 Integration page and click Configure for Salesforce Sales Cloud.
5. Authenticate Salesforce Access
Authenticate Salesforce access within ON24. This requires a dedicated user with admin permissions.
6. Connect to Your ON24 Workspace
Enter the ON24 API Key and Secret to establish the connection.
7. Map Fields for Lead Creation
Define the mapping between ON24 registration data and Salesforce Lead fields. Fields are separated into Text Fields, Number Fields, and Date/Time Fields. ON24 will display the Lead fields in drop-down list applicable for the field type.
8. Map Fields for Campaign Member Records
Set up mapping for ON24 engagement data (e.g., polls, content downloads) to Salesforce Campaign Member fields. Fields are separated into Text Fields, Number Fields, and Date/Time Fields. ON24 will display the Campaign Member fields in drop-down lists applicable for the field type.
9. Enable the Integration
Click on the Finish button to enable the integration. Navigate back to the Integrations page to see that the solution is now active.
10. Add Campaign ID to Campaign Code field on the Overview page of your Event.
When you want to connect your Campaign to an ON24 event, you will need to enter the Campaign Id to the Campaign Code field under Details on the Overview page of the event.
NOTE: When the integration is first configured, it will pull in and push to Salesforce the last 30 days of data. It is recommended that you enter the campaignid in the Campaign Code field prior to configuring the integration.
Integration Behavior and Notes
- The integration does not create or update Campaigns.
- The integration automatically adds Campaign Member Status values: Registered, Attended, and Attended On-demand.
- Clients can add custom fields to the Campaign Member object to store additional ON24 activity.
- The integration does not update existing Contacts or Leads but will create new Leads as per the defined mapping.
- Synchronization occurs hourly, syncing the last 24 hours of activity. Backfilling is unavailable.
Managing and Disabling the Integration
Once enabled, the integration will display as active. Clients can update authentication or mapping anytime using the Configure button. To deactivate, use the Disconnect button.
Testing with a Sandbox
Clients can connect the integration to a Salesforce sandbox for testing before switching to production. Ensure field mappings are consistent between environments.
For any issues, contact ON24 Support for assistance.
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