This article provides details on the attendee view of a Forum event from the audience console.
Attendee System Requirements
As a general best practice, close all unnecessary applications and clear your cache before logging into each event. This will improve browser performance while ensuring all recent uploads and changes are visible.
Operating System |
Browser |
Browser Configuration | Must accept cookies and have JavaScript enabled |
Connection | A stable, high-speed internet connection is required. |
Connection Speed | 1Mbps or faster |
Joining a Forum
Attendees will be able to enter the Audience Console 15 minutes before the live start time. When attendees first enter the Audience Console, they will first see a control panel to connect to the Forum prior to entering the event.
Find information on the attendee mobile experience.
Note: For the best performance, we do not recommend using Firefox when presenting or attending an ON24 Forum. Also, users who do not have Safari 15 browser will need to update to the latest version of Safari, or use another supported browser in order to share their screen on their desktop.
- If you have more than one webcam connected, choose your webcam source. After specifying a camera source, a preview is shown below.
- Once your webcam is connected, click on the person icon in the webcam area to choose a virtual background or to blur the background.
- Note: Backgrounds are only available for those joining via desktop at this time.
- Use the dropdown to choose your camera, or set it to None if you want the camera off.
- If you have more than one webcam connected, choose your microphone source. Click the microphone icon to toggle between being muted or unmuted upon entering the room.
- Note: Presenters in Elite Studio have full control over when attendees' mics are enabled. If a microphone is currently disabled, the message "You can not unmute until a moderator gives you permission" will show below the microphone icon. Once the microphone has been enabled, attendees can unmute themselves to be heard during the event.
Input Volume
- After specifying a microphone source, adjust the input volume.
- If the status is Connected, you will be able to enter the event.
- If the status is Disconnected, there is a problem with the connection to the event.
Troubleshooting Tips
- Access a page of troubleshooting tips if the status is Disconnected.
Display My Name
- When toggled ON, other participants in the event will see the first and last name the user entered during registration.
- When toggled OFF, other participants in the event will not see the user’s first and last name. Instead, they will see an anonymous label like “Participant 1,” “Participant 2,” etc.
- The exception to this is that moderators always have access to participants’ full names. Moderators will see the anonymized label followed by the actual name, such as “Participant 1 (Mary Jones)”.
- Click the Join button to enter the event.
Event Capacity Reached
Forums events can accommodate up to 50 video participants and 200 additional listen-only participants, depending on how the event was set up.
If the maximum number of participants allowed on camera has been reached, attendees will see the message below to join in listen-only mode when joining.
For example, if the maximum of video participants was set to 50, the first 50 to join (any combination of presenters and attendees) get video seats. The 51st person will see the message below, and only be able to join in listen-only mode.
If the total capacity for the event has been reached, those trying to join will not be able to enter and will see the message below about capacity.
Engaging in the Event
Once the event has started, participants will be shown in a grid layout in the Media Player. Each participant will see their video in the upper-left panel. The grid layout automatically adjusts as more people join.
Participants that are actively speaking appear in the main grid area. If a person in the bottom row starts speaking, they will be promoted to the main grid area and take the place of a person who has not spoken recently.
Those with badges next to their names are Presenters or Moderators for the event and logged in through Elite Studio.
Note: Lower Third Banners will not be available unless you turn on the Lock Aspect Ratio toggle in the Attributes.
Media Player Tools
The toolbar at the top of the Media Player allows you to:
- See the list of participants
- Note: This is the only tool available for those who joined the event in Listen-Only mode.
- Raise your hand
- To lower your hand, click the button again.
- When another participant raises a hand, their border will momentarily flash yellow and a yellow hand icon will appear in both the panel for that participant, and next to their name in the participant list.
- Adjust your settings
- Mute your camera and/or microphone
- Minimize/maximize the Media Player
Blocked Microphone
If an attendee has blocked access to their microphone during the event, their name will have a red icon next to it during the event.
Attendees with blocked microphones can hear the event, but not speak.
If the user with the blocked microphone attempts to unmute, they will see a message that informs them their camera and mic access are blocked. They must go into their browser settings to unblock.
Sharing Your Screen
If enabled, presenters can grant permission to attendees to share their screens.
All attendees have screen share initially disabled.
Attendees that have been given permission will see the screen share icon at the top of their screen.
Note: Screenshare is not supported on mobile devices or on Safari 15 browsers and older.
Pass the Mic Events
If Request to Join On Camera was enabled during the event setup, attendees can be promoted to video during the live event.
The event will start with only Presenters on camera.
All attendees will join in listen-only mode and will need to raise their hand to request to be promoted onto the video conference.
Click on the Raise Hand icon to alert presenters you would like to be promoted to camera and/or microphone, then click Setup Now to choose your camera and microphone.
Click Raise Hand to notify the presenting team you're ready to join.
Adding a note is optional.
A message will appear in the Media Player while you're waiting to be accepted by the presenting team.
Once the presenting team has accepted your request, a pop-up will appear. Click Accept to join the conference on video/mic. You will then be heard and/or seen by all attendees and presenters.
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