Steps to troubleshoot issues with Go Live sessions and events.
General Troubleshooting Steps
Step 1: Begin by determining whether the problem may be caused by your network environment or the hardware.
You can use the following steps to determine this:
- Make sure you are using the latest version of a WebRTC-capable browser.
- Make sure you have the right ports open. You can check this by running a pre-call test. The pre-call test will be at the login screen of the breakout room. This test should identify where there are any network issues connecting to the servers. If something is blocked, proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Confirm Your Are Connected to the Internet
- Are you connected to the Internet?
- Web browser security settings (especially for Internet Explorer) may be too restrictive or blocking certain content.
- There may be a security restriction enforced on your network. Check out our guide on restrictive networks here.
Step 3: Confirm the Browser can Access the Camera/Microphone
If the earlier pre-call test didn't show any issues with the network, but you weren't able to see the camera/microphone functioning correctly:
- Please confirm that you are allowing access to your camera and microphone when prompted by the browser. You may have blocked access and saved this preference. Please check your browser settings to confirm this is not the case.
- Check if the camera works on a different browser. For instance, if you are using Firefox see if Chrome works instead.
- If you have multiple cameras, make sure that the right camera is selected.
- Does the camera work in the WebRTC demo?
- Does the camera work in another application, such as Microsoft Teams or Photo Booth?
- Still no luck? Contact Support - we'd love to help.
Step 4: Clear your browser's cache
- In some cases (particularly in Google Chrome), you may need to clear your browser's cache for the microphone to function. Here are instructions for clearing your cache.
Known Screen Share Issue with iOS/Mac and Google Chrome Browser
Presenters running Chrome Version 99.0.4844.74 on iOS/Mac (Big Sur 11.6 and other versions) may experience an inability to screen share in Breakout rooms (and during Live Video and Audio with screen share (Video Presenter Bridge) webinars).
To resolve this issue:
- Open System Preferences (users may hit CMD + Space and type “pref”)
- Open “Security & Privacy”
- On the left, scroll down to “Screen Recording” and click it.
- Users may need to click the lock on the bottom left to make changes and enter their credentials.
- Uncheck Chrome on the right.
- On the popup, click “Quit & Reopen”
- Re-check the Chrome box again.
- Click “Quit & Reopen”
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