This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to capture a HAR trace and Console log for troubleshooting purposes.
Occasionally when connecting with support console or HAR logs may be requested. A .har file (or HTTP Archive format) is used to log a web browser's interaction with a site and to export detailed performance data about web pages it loads. A Console log is used to view messages or errors provided by the webpage being visited. These logs can be valuable when troubleshooting a number of different types of issues. This article outlines the process to capture both HAR and Console logs.
You can record your HTTP session (for a HAR file) using the Network tab in the Developer Tools in Chrome.
- Right-click within the browser window and select "Inspect" or click F12 to open Developer Tools.
- Click on the Network Tab.
- Check the box next to Preserve log.
Look for a round button at the top left to Record.
Make sure it is red. If it is grey, click it once to start recording.
- Reproduce the issue.
- Stop the recording.
Click the download icon to Export Har .
To capture a Console log to assist in troubleshooting as well.
- Right-click within the browser window and select "Inspect" or click F12 to open Developer Tools.
- Click on the Console Tab.
- Right click on a line in the log and choose 'save as'
You can record your HTTP session (for a HAR file) using the Network tab in the Developer Tools in Edge.
- Right-click within the browser window and select "Inspect" or click F12 to open Developer Tools.
- Select Inspect.
- Click on the Network Tab.
- Check the box next to the Preserve log.
Look for a round button at the top left to Record.
Make sure it is red. If it is grey, click it once to start recording.
- Reproduce the issue.
- Stop the recording.
- Click the download icon to Export HAR (sanitized).
To capture a Console log to assist in troubleshooting as well.
- Right-click within the browser window and select "Inspect" or click F12 to open Developer Tools.
- Click on the Console Tab.
- Right click on a line in the log and choose 'save as'.
Starting with Firefox 41, HAR files can be created without any additional extension.
- Right-click within the browser window and select "Inspect" or click F12 to open Developer Tools.
Reproduce the issue
Save the capture by right-clicking on the grid and choosing "Save all as HAR"
Export the capture to a HAR fil
To capture a Console log to assist in troubleshooting as well.
- Right-click within the browser window and select "Inspect" or click F12 to open Developer Tools.
- Click on the Console Tab.
- Right click on a line in the log and choose 'save all messages to file'.
The screenshot below is from Chrome, which allows Save As.
If having trouble saving, capturing a screenshot can be helpful.
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