Elite Studio is the ON24 system for presenting your live, Forums, Simu-live, or Sim-2-Live events. This user guide is for Presenters, Producers, and Q&A moderators so they can learn how to use Elite Studio to interact with attendees and present effectively. You’ll find system requirements, user roles, and an overview of all the Elite Studio tools in this article, including how to start and stop an event, answer questions, and move through your presentation.
This article covers both desktop/laptop and tablet users.
Things to Know
- Elite Studio is always in practice mode when not in live mode - rehearsals can occur as far in advance and as often as needed, so make sure you practice as often as you can
- Set up roles and duties during rehearsals, so everyone knows their job during the live event
- Looking for courses for presenters who don't have Elite logins? Send them to our ON24 Presenter Training for courses on using Elite Studio and leveling up their webinar skills.
Click on the tabs below for more information.
System Requirements
It's essential that all presenters meet the minimum system requirements listed below.
As a general best practice, close all unnecessary applications and clear your cache before logging in to each event. This will improve browser performance while ensuring all recent uploads and changes are visible.
Operating System |
Browser |
Browser Configuration | Must accept cookies and have JavaScript enabled. |
Connection | A stable, high-speed internet connection is required. |
Connection Speed | 1Mbps or faster required for optimal performance. |
Access Elite Studio through the Presenter Link or from the event's Overview page. If you do not have ON24 account access, the Presenter Link will need to be shared by someone who has an ON24 platform login.
Find more information on connecting to Elite Studio here.
- By default, a maximum of 10 users (mix of Producer/Presenter) may connect to Elite Studio simultaneously. The Q&A Moderator role does not count towards this maximum.
- An increase to 20 presenters is available as an upgrade. If interested, please reach out to your Account Manager for more information.
- Increasing the number of presenter roles does not change the layouts available - presenters who speak will automatically be made visible and those who have not spoken for a while will age out of view.
- An increase to 20 presenters is available as an upgrade. If interested, please reach out to your Account Manager for more information.
- If you encounter issues connecting please reference our troubleshooting article
Your presenting team can log in as Producer, Presenter or Q&A Moderator. If you are running a webinar by yourself, log in as a Producer so you can access all of the webinar features, including the start/stop buttons.
Below is a breakdown of user permissions for each role.
Producer | Presenter | Q&A Moderator | |
Upload Slides and Videos | X | ||
Add Poll Questions | X | ||
Start/Stop Webinar | X | ||
Arrange Presentation Materials | X | ||
Change Webcam Layouts | X | ||
Pin Presenters | X | ||
Create/Push Lower Third Banners | X | ||
Mute and Disconnect Presenters | X | X | |
Advance Slides | X | X | |
Push Poll Questions to the Audience | X | X | |
Draw/Whiteboarding Tools | X | X | |
Screen Share | X | X | |
Team Chat | X | X | X |
Q&A | X | X | X |
Elite Studio Interface
This is the Elite Studio Interface.
The Live View window corresponds to the Slides tool on the Audience Console and will be featured in Elite Studio's Main Stage for Producers and Presenters.
Use the Toolbar to open additional tools from the Menu, such as Team Chat, Attendees List, or Preview. You can also mute your microphone here, or start a screen share.
Note: Presenters connected via tablet are not able to share their screen.
The Connection Panel can be opened at anytime to update your connection to Elite Studio.
Find more information on the windows and tools in Elite Studio here.
Find more information on the Elite Studio Interface here.
Starting an Event
To start a webinar, presenters will first need to join the event by connecting their webcam, PC microphone, or dialing in via phone.
Before the webinar starts, the connected presenters can speak with one another "backstage."
Note: The audience will not hear or see the presenters until the Producer clicks Start Event.
Fifteen minutes before the live start time, the Start Event button will appear at the top of Elite Studio, alerting presenters the audience console is open.
During this time, the audience will be viewing what is in the Live View window. We suggest pushing a title or opening slide for the audience to see while waiting for the webinar to begin.
Presenters should avoid advancing slides during this time, as the audience will see the slides advancing.
After pressing the Start Event button, a confirmation window will appear. Clicking Start Webcast will connect the presenters to the live audience and start the webinar recording. Only those logged in as Producers will be able to start the event.
Once the webcast has begun presenters' audio and video (if applicable) are live to the audience. If presenters need to communicate in a "back channel" amongst themselves they can use the Team Chat feature in Elite Studio.
Someone on the presenting team (producer or presenter) must remain connected to the webinar by phone or webcam at all times. Otherwise, the live stream will stop and re-start, resulting in two separate archives of the webinar.
If you are running a longer webinar and would like to take a break in the middle of the presentation, presenters can mute their camera and audio during that time. All presenters should maintain their connections during the break and make sure their computer doesn't go into sleep mode or restart itself. Following these proactive measures will ensure the live stream isn't disrupted and the webinar converts to on-demand correctly.
Live View Window
The Live View window corresponds to the Slides tool on the Audience Console and will be featured in Elite Studio's Main Stage for Producers and Presenters.
Use the arrows to move through the elements in the Storyboard.
Click on the kebab menu to open the Storyboard, use the whiteboard tools in the Draw feature, or find your slide notes.
- Storyboard - if this is toggled ON, you can click on an element to preview it. This is good to use when you have a poll question live to the audience - preview the results as they come in. Click on the element again to push it live to the audience if you need to move ahead or recover a previous topic.
- Slide notes - will show you any notes added to the deck before it was uploaded.
- Draw - allows you to use the whiteboarding tools. Use the pen or a pointer to highlight and annotate your slides during the event. Moving to the next slide in the presentation will automatically clear all pointers and drawings.
Keyboard Shortcuts - can be enabled if you'd like. Keyboard focus must be in the side panel Storyboard to work. Click a slide and push it live in the Storyboard then use your keyboard to advance and review.
- Next Slide - right arrow or page down
- Previous Slide - left arrow or page up
- Reactions - if the Reactions tool was added to the Audience Console and toggled ON in the Live View, you'll be able to see the reactions as the audience uses them.
Media Player
Once the event has been started, presenters will be live to the audience. Attendees will be able to hear and see (if webcams are used) the presenting team in the Media Player.
The Media Player in Elite Studio corresponds to the Media Player on the Audience Console. The Elite Studio version offers two views - Presenter and Audience.
Presenter - this is the default view in Elite Studio and will show all presenters connected to the event
- This is one place you can mute your camera and/or microphone from
- If multiple presenters are using a webcam, webcam layouts can be changed by hovering over the Media Player
- Choose whether or not a Presenter's name will be displayed in their video feed
Audience - this displays the Audience version of the Media Player
- There is a two-second delay in this view. Rest assured, audiences will not notice a delay
- Note: When using this view, keep the audio muted to prevent echoing. This does not mute the audio for the audience.
The Q&A tool allows your presenting team to collaborate on audience questions during a live webcast and corresponds to the Ask Question tool on the Audience Console.
This tool can be moved to the Main Stage by clicking the arrow icon in the top corner.
Click on the question to find answer options. Answers can be sent to the individual who asked, everyone in the audience, or pushed to the slide area for discussion. Questions will only be visible to the audience if they are answered. No matter how the question is answered, both questions and answers will remain anonymous in the audience's view.
Other Tools
You can choose which other tools you'd like to use in Elite Studio from the Menu icon in the Toolbar. These tools will appear in the right panel, which can be collapsed if you need more more in the Main Stage. You'll also find screen share, mute, and event info (start date and time, title, and event ID) in the Toolbar.
Note: Presenters connected via tablet are not able to share their screen.
Lower Third Banners
Lower Third Banners can be pushed during your live event and will display in the Media Player. Click Push to activate the banner and Remove to remove it.
Note: Lower Third Banners can only be created by Producers, either before or during an event.
Lists those who are currently connected to the event. Click the pencil icon to edit the name - this is the name that will appear in the Media Player if Display Presenter's Name is checked. You can also pin a presenter to place in the Media Player (Producer's only), mute the presenter, or disconnect the presenter from here.
Team Chat
The Team Chat allows presenters to chat with each other. Messages may be sent to all presenters at once or privately to individuals. Messages will not be visible to the audience, but they will appear in the Webcast Intelligence report.
Attendees List
This list will show you a list of those who are currently attending your live event. Click refresh to get an updated list. You can sort attendees by clicking on the column header. You can also block attendees from your event here.
Engagement Tools
Use this tool to draw attention to any of the Engagement Tools you added to the Audience Console. All tools can be highlighted and some can be centered. The highlighting and centering behavior will carry over when the live webinar converts to on-demand.
- Highlight - If the tool is already open on an attendee's console, it will glow for approximately 10 seconds. If it is minimized, the icon in the menu dock will glow and bounce. The highlight color cannot be customized.
Center - This will center the tool in the console for the audience. If the tool is minimized in the console dock, it will automatically open and be placed in the center. If the tool is already open, it will be moved to the center. When a tool is centered, the rest of the console will be dim for 10 seconds to focus your attendees' attention on the center of their screen.
- A tool that has been centered can also be minimized by the presenting team. Ten seconds after centering the tool, the option to minimize it will appear.
Allows you to preview the next element in the Storyboard. This tool is useful when you have a multiple choice poll question live to the audience and you want to review the responses.
Ending an Event
Once the webinar has reached its conclusion, click the End Event button.
Events will not automatically stop at the end of the duration - the End Event button must be pushed. Elite Studio does have a 30 minute grace period after duration, so don't worry if your event runs a few minutes over, however this should not be used as standard. This period should not be used to extend the duration and 'Stop Live' should always be used at the end of an event. If you need to extend an event please contact support before the scheduled end of the event.
Once you click End Event, a confirmation window appears. Clicking End Webcast will disconnect the presenters from the live audience and stop the webinar recording.
Note: Stopping a webinar permanently ends the webcast. Once a webinar has been stopped (even if it has been accidentally or prematurely stopped), it cannot be restarted.
Tablet Users
Using a tablet to present is essentially the same as presenting from a desktop. Use the Presenter Link to access the session. Typically this will have been emailed to you.
Note: Presenters connected via tablet are not able to share their screen.
Tablet System Requirements
- Win OS 10 running latest version of Edge, Firefox, Chrome
- Mac OS 10, 10+ running latest version of Firefox, Chrome
iPad OS (version 16+) using Safari or the latest version of Chrome
- Connect via the device webcam, not FaceTime
- iPhone NOT supported
- Android OS latest version on a tablet running latest version of Chrome
Troubleshooting Tips
- Confirm all presenters are using a supported browser (Chrome, Firefox, or Edge).
- Make sure ON24 has access to your microphone and camera within the browser - see an example.
- Try connecting off of a Virtual Private Network (VPN). If the issue persists after troubleshooting, it is usually related to network configurations such as VPN or Firewalls.
- All presenters should have a stable, high-speed internet connection.
- Refresh the page by pressing F5 (Command + R for Macs) or try another browser.
- Refreshing the page will not end the webinar.
- Note: When refreshing and reconnecting, the microphone and camera are automatically ON when the new connection loads.
- Clear your cache to optimize browser performance.
- Close all unused applications and browser tabs. This is especially true of collaboration apps (Zoom, WebEx, Teams) because they will use all of the available Central Processing Unit (CPU) resources.
- Reboot the computer if time permits.
- If these tips do not resolve the issue, please Contact Support so our team can work with you and your internal IT department to find a resolution.
Known Issues
- Someone on the presenting team (producer or presenter) must remain connected to the webinar by phone or webcam at all times. Otherwise, the live stream will stop and re-start, resulting in two separate archives of the webinar.
- If you are running a longer webinar and would like to take a break in the middle of the presentation, presenters can mute their cameras and audio during that time. All presenters should maintain their connections during the break and make sure their computer doesn't go into sleep mode or restart. Following these proactive measures will ensure the live stream isn't disrupted and the webinar converts to on-demand correctly.
- Elite Studio is available and currently supports live webinars including Broadcast Video and Live Video. Recording Simu-live, Sim-2-live, and On-Demand Presentations will continue to use the existing workflow through Elite Presentations.
- For Simu-live webinars, presenters will record in Elite Presentations but will use Elite Studio to monitor the live webinar. Webcast Elite will switch automatically from Elite Presentations to Elite Studio 2 hours before the live event start time. Presenters can watch the webinar as it plays to the live audience and respond to questions in Elite Studio (text only) in real time. There is no dial-in number for the presenters to call in to, but they can communicate with their fellow presenters using Team Chat. Team Chat is only visible to the presenters. Highlighting and centering the Engagement Tools will not be available.
- For Sim-2-Live webinars, presenters will record in Elite Presentations but will use Elite Studio on the live webinar day. Webcast Elite will switch automatically from Elite Presentations to Elite Studio 2 hours before the live event start time. Presenters use the dial-in number provided in Elite Studio at any time and speak privately behind the scenes while the live audience is watching the presentation. The audience will not hear the presenters until the rollover happens.
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